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Poetry by definition is a form of literature that invokes emotion and imagination from the reader. It is based on an interlay of words and rhythm and often employes rhyme and meter. However, a poem does not have to rhyme in order to be considered poetry. Poetry is literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

-source- Brittanica

Tell-Tale Inspiration

   I love poetry. You will see a lot of that here on these pages. I love Robert Frost's The Road Less Traveled, however, just about anything from Edgar Alan Poe is my favorite. His life story is quite sad, but he has inspired me over the years to continue writing, even when I didn't think I was any good. His writing has kept me from giving up when that's what I really wanted to do. So, I will say that my biggest inspiration for my website and for writing was Edgar Alan Poe.